Monday, April 18, 2011

Quantum teleporter breakthrough: opens door to ultra fast data transmission

Mark this day, folks, because the brainiacs have finally made a breakthrough in quantum teleportation: a team of scientists from Australia and Japan have successfully transferred a complex set of quantum data in light form. You see, previously researchers had struggled with slow performance or loss of information, but with full transmission integrity achieved -- as in blocks of qubits being destroyed in one place but instantaneously resurrected in another, without affecting their superpositions -- we're now one huge step closer to secure, high-speed quantum communication. Needless to say, this will also be a big boost for the development of powerful quantum computing, and combine that with a more bedroom friendly version of the above teleporter, we'll eventually have ourselves the best LAN party ever.

Researchers have achieved a breakthrough in quantum communications and computing using a teleporter and a paradoxical cat.

The breakthrough is the first-ever transfer, or teleportation, of a particular complex set of quantum information from one point to another, opening the way for high-speed, high-fidelity transmission of large volumes of information, such as quantum encryption keys, via quantum communications networks.

Teleportation – the transfer of quantum information from one location to another using normal, "classical" communications - is one of the fundamental quantum communication techniques.

The cat in the equation was not a living, breathing feline but rather "wave packets" of light representing the famous "thought experiment" known as Schrodinger’s Cat. Schrodinger’s Cat was a paradox proposed by early 20th century physicist Erwin Schrodinger to describe the situation in which normal, "classical" objects can exist in a quantum "superposition" - having two states at once.

Professor Elanor Huntington, in the School of Engineering and Information Technology at UNSW's Canberra campus at the Australian Defence Force Academy (ADFA), was part of a team led by University of Tokyo researchers. She said the team’s achievement was another step towards building a super-powerful quantum computer and transmitting quantum information.

"One of the limitations of high-speed quantum communication at present is that some detail is lost during the teleportation process. It’s the Star Trek equivalent of beaming the crew down to a planet and having their organs disappear or materialise in the wrong place. We’re talking about information but the principle is the same – it allows us to guarantee the integrity of transmission.

"Just about any quantum technology relies on quantum teleportation. The value of this discovery is that it allows us, for the first time, to quickly and reliably move quantum information around. This information can be carried by light, and it’s a powerful way to represent and process information. Previous attempts to transmit were either very slow or the information might be changed. This process means we will be able to move blocks of quantum information around within a computer or across a network, just as we do now with existing computer technologies.

"If we can do this, we can do just about any form of communication needed for any quantum technology."

The experiments were conducted on a machine known as "the teleporter" in the laboratory of Professor Akira Furusawa in the Department of Applied Physics in the University of Tokyo.

Professor Huntington, who leads a research program for the Centre for Quantum Computation and Communication, developed the high-speed communication part of the teleporter at UNSW’s Canberra campus with PhD student James Webb.

The research was published in the April edition of the journal Science.

Source: University of New South Wales
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Saturday, March 12, 2011

Cyborg: a cybernetic organism

Cyborg, a cybernetic organism
Cyborg: a cybernetic organism.

In the years ahead we will witness machines with intelligence more powerful than that of humans. This will mean that robots, not humans, make all the important decisions. It will be a robot dominated world with dire consequences for humankind. Is there an alternative way ahead?
Humans have limited capabilities. Humans sense the world in a restricted way, vision being the best of the senses. Humans understand the world in only 3 dimensions and communicate in a very slow, serial fashion called speech. But can this be improved on? Can we use technology to upgrade humans?

A Cyborg is a CYBernetic ORGanism, part human part machine. In this, we will go through Kevin Warwick’s amazing steps towards becoming a Cyborg. The story is one of scientific endeavor and devotion, splitting apart the personal lives of himself and those around him. This astounding and unique story takes in top scientists from around the globe and seriously questions human morals, values and ethics. Watch this absolutely awesome video of Cybernetics professor Kevin Warwick, One Step Beyond - The First Human Cyborg

A cyborg, also known as a cybernetic organism, is a being with both biological and artificial (e.g. electronic, mechanical or robotic) parts.The term was coined in 1960 when Manfred Clynes and Nathan Kline used it in an article about the advantages of self-regulating human-machine systems in outer space.The cyborg is often seen today merely as an organism that has enhanced abilities due to technology,but this perhaps oversimplifies the category of feedback.According to some definitions of the term, the metaphysical and physical attachments humanity has with even the most basic technologies have already made them cyborgs.In a typical example, a human fitted with a heart pacemaker or an insulin pump (if the person has diabetes) might be considered a cyborg, since these mechanical parts enhance the body's "natural" mechanisms through synthetic feedback mechanisms. Cochlear implants that combine mechanical modification with any kind of feedback response are more accurately cyborg enhancements.

The term is also used to address human-technology mixtures in the abstract. This includes artifacts that may not popularly be considered technology; for example, pen and paper, and speech and language. Augmented with these technologies, and connected in communication with people in other times and places, a person becomes capable of much more than they were before. This is like computers, which gain power by using Internet protocols to connect with other computers. Cybernetic technologies include highways, pipes, electrical wiring, buildings, electrical plants, libraries, and other infrastructure that we hardly notice, but which are critical parts of the cybernetics that we work within.

A CYBORG is a Cybernetics Organism, part human – part machine. This concept is bit tricky but let see an example of a CYBORG: you may have seen a movie “TERMINATOR.” In that ARNOLD was a CYBORG. He was part man- part machine. Well definition exactly says this; CYBORG can be made by technology known as CYBERNETICS. “What is CYBERNETICS?”, To understand CYBORG , this is the first step that we’ll see in the next post.
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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The future of information technology: overcoming the limits of our humanity

Thinking about the future can help you shape it. Thinking too much about the future can make you spacey.I have made this post from some very good web resources like Kurzweilai's research, prospectus UK career guide,Accenture's vision for IT, Microsoft's vision for future.I hope you enjoy reading this post.

By the year 2019, thanks to information technology (IT), humans will have largely overcome the limits of our humanity. We will have found cures for the major diseases that kill 95 percent of us in the developed world. By 2029, we will become godlike—tiny computer chips embedded into our bodies will stop disease and reverse aging, ever expanding our lifespans.

Such are the prognostications of the current pied piper of the digital utopia crowd, Ray Kurzweil ( In a syndicated newspaper feature, he recently shared these and other rosy predictions about the power of IT. His main thesis is that IT doesn’t just lead to linear growth, as humanity has experienced in the past, but exponential growth, and not just with IT.

Kurzweil is the author of such books as The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology , Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever, and The Age of Spiritual Machines , and in them he has made other astonishing predictions. My favorite: Human and machine intelligence will merge and become indistinguishable, growing exponentially until we will be able to control how the universe evolves.

Future information technology would stand for all of continuously evolving and converging information technologies, including digital convergence, multimedia convergence, intelligent applications, embedded systems, mobile and wireless communications, bio-inspired computing, grid and cloud computing, semantic web, user experience and HCI, security and trust computing and so on, for satisfying our ever-changing needs.

In past twenty five years or so, Information Technology (IT) influenced and changed every aspect of our lives and our cultures. Without various IT-based applications, we would find it difficult to keep information stored securely, to process information efficiently, and to communicate information conveniently. In the future world, IT will play a very important role in convergence of computing, communication, and all other computational sciences and application and IT also will influence the future world's various areas, including science, engineering, industry, business, law, politics, culture, medicine, and so on.

America's focus still is on jobs and the large share of unemployed Americans. While the government struggles to find ways to help those without jobs,it seems clear that whether we need analysis, or research, or funding, all planning and resultant success lies on the ability and talents of those in the Information Technology field.

No matter the project or plan, the determination of success will hinge on the gathering of data (web-development/electronic survey), to the data manipulation (data base management), and to the final analysis and conclusion (statistical analysis/software development and analysis). The current Technology field has some of the most highly skilled development project and program managers, just the skill that is needed to accurately analyze program data and determine necessary modifications to ensure success.

As an Engineering Designer, one master skill is logic and the ability to interpret testing results to improve designs. It seems that is what is lacking in government today. Ideas are plentiful but projections of consequences and accurate analysis even determining the current state of affairs seem to be invalidated.

So, take a majority of highly intelligent IT gurus and replace the politicians that have ideas but seemingly no foundation and no logic, and in turn you will get great plans based on well thought out ideas with a definite result expected and with feed-back intervals to allow for adjustments to ensure perfect results.

And if a program is less than successful (which rarely would happen) at least there would be perfect documented analysis (as opposed to participants' lack of recall as to what happened).

Revised annually, the Accenture Technology Vision is a comprehensive analysis of emerging trends and major technological changes that will have a significant business impact on Accenture and its clients in the next three to five years. High-performance businesses use the Vision to understand the opportunities—and challenges—that lie ahead.
Microsoft's vision 2019(parody)

Hope enjoyed this post. please write comments.
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Sunday, August 15, 2010

Skill Set for Career in Nanotechnology

As I explained the skill set for information and communication technology; Today in this post I am going to explain the skill set required to work in the field of nanotechnology.I did a lot of study and read several studies and according to them and according to professionals working in this field Skill needs can be differentiated into the general and the specific.

General and basic needs mean interdisciplinary cross-sectoral knowledge in natural sciences and in engineering as well as basic business management knowledge and entrepreneurial spirit. Specific qualification requirements are, for example, to master certain nanotechnological procedures. Occupational and qualification requirements can be differentiated into the fields of knowledge and knowing, skills and faculties, and personality characteristics and can be described in terms of respective competences.The skill set was established by the National Center for Nanotechnology Applications and Career Knowledge (NACK) at Penn State based on intensive interviews and surveys involving more than 200 companies over nearly ten years spanning virtually all industries using nanotechnology across the nation. A technician possessing these skills will have completed a broad, hands-on educational experience in micro- and nanofabrication, and is fully prepared to actively contribute to any industry.using micro- or nanotechnology, including the electronics, biotechnology, pharmaceuticals, energy,materials manufacturing, and chemical industries.

Occupational and qualification requirements can be differentiated into the fields of knowledge and knowing, skills and faculties, and personality characteristics and can be described in terms of respective competences.In education sciences, decision-making and responsibility involve faculties, skills and individual characteristics, problem-solving and performing tasks independently, responsibly
and professionally; in sum, it means an occupational ability to act. Decision-making and responsibility can be differentiated into professional, methodological and social competences as well as competence of personality.

The specified qualifications(Career in Nanotechnology) can be described as follows:
(a) knowledge – professional competence
This includes knowledge of different technical branches and natural scientific fields such as physics and chemistry, and their special branches, e.g. photonics, precision optics, laser technology or electroplating as Nanotechnology is an interdisciplinary field. Knowledge of the protection of health and safety standards, instructions, data processing and foreign languages are also covered;
(b) skills and faculties – methodological competence
Skills and faculties demand effective handling with technological procedures. At this point the applied procedures of analysis, manufacture and finishing and the competences that are required for handling technical systems are taken into consideration;Good computer programming skills are must in this field;
(c) personality characteristics – soft skills and competences of personality
This involves characteristics such as behaviour, creativity and the capability to learn as well as the ability to analyse. It also involves communicative abilities and self-motivation.

In Short
One should have a scientific bent of mind and a natural propensity for research work, in order to study Nanotechnology, An open and enquiring mind with sound analytical and computer programming skills is a must in this field.

One should have a keen interest in, and some amount of knowledge about diverse fields since Nanotechnology finds application in a wide number of areas. Moreover, one should be hand working and patient in order to spend long hours in the laboratory and be engaged in research work.

Our Centre; Centre for converging technologies (NBIC Technologies)provide knowledge of all the four branches like Nanotechnology and Nanomaterials, Biotechnology & Bioinformatics, Information and Communication Technology and Cognitive and neuroscience.Since you will get knowledge of all different fields it'll be best spot for getting your nanotechnology degree(M.Tech) from centre for converging technologies.

If you wanna pursue nanotechnology as career this post will be helpful to you,I hope.Good luck...
Please write comments and help me in making this blog better...and it will become a good resource on converging technologies.
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Thursday, August 5, 2010

Cognitive and neuroscience

The fourth branch at centre for converging technologies is one the most exciting fields and that is cognitive and neuroscience.Cognitive neuroscience represents the attempt to understand mental processes at the level of the brain’s functioning and not merely from information-processing models and theories. It relies heavily on an empirical analysis of what is happening in the brain, and where, when a person thinks, reasons, decides, judges, encodes information, recalls information, learns, and solves problems. Cognitive neuroscience allies psychologists, biologists, brain researchers, and others in what is perhaps the most dramatic advance in the last decade of psychological research.

Cognitive neuroscience is an academic field concerned with the scientific study of biological substrates underlying cognition, with a specific focus on the neural substrates of mental processes. It addresses the questions of how psychological/cognitive functions are produced by the brain. Cognitive neuroscience is a branch of both psychology and neuroscience, overlapping with disciplines such as physiological psychology, cognitive psychology and neuropsychology. Cognitive neuroscience relies upon theories in cognitive science coupled with evidence from neuropsychology, and computational modelling.

Due to its multidisciplinary nature cognitive neuroscientists may have various backgrounds. Other than the associated disciplines just mentioned, cognitive neuroscientists may have backgrounds in these disciplines: neurobiology, bioengineering, psychiatry, neurology, physics, computer science, linguistics, philosophy and mathematics,Methods employed in cognitive neuroscience include experimental paradigms from psychophysics and cognitive psychology, functional neuroimaging, electrophysiology, cognitive genomics and behavioral genetics. Studies of patients with cognitive deficits due to brain lesions constitute an important aspect of cognitive neuroscience (see neuropsychology). Theoretical approaches include computational neuroscience and cognitive psychology.

The task of neural science is to explain behavior in terms of the activities of the brain. How does the brain marshal its millions of individual nerve cells to produce behavior, and how are these cells influenced by the environment...? The last frontier of the biological sciences – their ultimate challenge – is to understand the biological basis of consciousness and the mental processes by which we perceive, act, learn, and remember. — Eric Kandel, Principles of Neural Science, fourth edition
If you enjoyed reading this post i can recommend you some of the articles which i think you will love to read if you have a good amount of interest in cognitive neuroscience.

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Saturday, July 31, 2010

Who should choose Information and Communication Technology(ICT) as career

Friends, This post is going to be very helpful for you guys,  if you are on a stage where you want to decide which career is suitable for you. Most of the people will tell you that this field is good, this is bad , that is good, this career got a nice future, you should not choose that branch...and suddenly you feel crowded by suggestions of the people around you.

I got a nice idea for you people and that is make a plan and that is

-- Try to know the field, i mean what kind of job you gonna get, what is usual work environment of that field, yeah it may vary company to over the internet. ask the people working in that field.

--Try to know yourself. This is more important than anything else. If you know exactly what sort of abilities you have, you can utilize it.what sort of work you like? do you enjoy traveling? what are the personality traits you have and do they suit that field you are going to opt.

The best career advice i can give you is:
Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.

In this post i'm going to explain the who should choose information and communication technology(ICT) as career.My previous post related to ICT field may have given you the idea of the field.

These are few reasons to choose ICT field

  • Good job opportunities
  • Demand across the world
  • Higher economic benefits
  • Different career development paths
  • Traveling opportunities to other countries

If you are really good at what you do, you'll have the demand across the globe.
There are many paths you can consider
  • Software Engineering
  • Network Engineering
  • System security
  • Project Management
  • Quality assurance and Testing
  • System administration
  • Website development
  • Database administration
  • Technical support
  • Client management
  • IT consultancy

"Studies show that people flourish in their work environment when there is a good fit between their personality type and the characteristics of the environment. Lack of congruence between personality and environment leads to dissatisfaction, unstable career paths, and lowered performance."(Holland, 1996, p. 397).

Personality traits of ICT professionals

Studies shows that ICT professionals score higher on following personlity traits than professionals of other fields:
  • Emotional Resilience
  • Openness
  • Tough-Mindedness
  • Customer Service

According to studies ICT career satisfaction was also positively related to Extraversion,
Agreeableness/Teamwork, Assertiveness, Optimism, Tough-Mindedness, Work Drive, and Visionary Style.

You can choose various career path according to skills you have in ICT.If you are good at communication and planning you can become analyst or consultant. If you think you are very creative you can become developer, designer, architect.

If you want to go for a career in ICT and thinking of doing programming, developing software and become a good software engineer you need to have following skills
  • Basic Logical skills
  • Attention to details
  • Ability to read specifications
  • Ability to test
  • Patience
  • Perseverance
along with above skills you must have the following two skills and these are
  • Creativity
You may be asked to create novel solutions for the problem.If you are creative you can create better softwares with great user experience.You will not get stuck and find out the appropriate solutions for the given problem.

  • Change
The concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis. Its difficult to keep up with the changes - they happen so fast. You may need to learn new skills, learn new programming languages.You may need to need to develop softwares using recently released technology.If you can adapt to the changes in technology and able to learn new skills, ICT is a right career for you.

Whatever career you choose, make sure you love doing it. When you start loving what you do, you can give more than 100%.You can do a lot of hard work and that hard work will not be as hard to you because you love it.

I think you should not choose a career in which you need to adapt too much, because if you change yourself too much; you will lose your essence.

I have a great interest in information and communication technology and i think it interests you too.
well whatever career you choose the best advise is(i am stating it again)
Find out what you like doing best and get someone to pay you for doing it.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post.subscribe to my blog and please write comments.

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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Information and communication technologies : an introduction

Hello , dear visitors and followers!

As i wrote in my previous post that i'll write about the two other exciting and fascinating branches of centre for converging technologies and these branches are:

Information and Communication Technologies & 
Cognitive and Neuroscience

let me be very honest to you that i really love information and communication technology(ICT) and that's why this post is about ICT. So let us explore this field


ICT is an acronym that stands for "Information and Communications Technology" and is used often in the context of "ICT roadmap" to indicate the path than an organization will take with their ICT needs. Sample example of usage include Microsoft and The Australian Newspaper.

The terms ICT should be read as "Information Technology and Communication Technology" literally to clarify its meaning which refers to the merging (convergence) of telephone networks with computer networks through a single cabling or link system. The term ICT has grown in usage out of huge economic incentives (huge cost saving due by eliminating the telephone network) to merge the telephone network with the computer network system

the concepts, methods and applications involved in ICT are constantly evolving on an almost daily basis. Its difficult to keep up with the changes - they happen so fast.

A better way to start thinking about ICT is to consider all the existing and possible uses of digital technology that can help individuals, businesses and organisations use information.

ICT covers any product that will store, retrieve, manipulate, transmit or receive information electronically in a digital form. For example, personal computers (PCs),laptops, mobile phones,  digital television, email, e-commerce, internet banking, robots etc.

I think ICT is about :
-knowing meaning and value of information
-how information is controlled
-how data is captured, verified and stored for effective use
-the manipulation, processing and distribution of information
-designing networks to share information
-keeping information secure
-designing and developing softwares to make human beings more efficient at whatever they do
-Making human life more interesting
-Making solutions for the problems and testing solutions virtually so that saving money and time
The list can grow so long that i think i should stop now. Whatever the field may be whether it be basic science, technology, business and even ICT itself require the help of computers, softwares, and web applications.

ICT grow from ICT itself.I think field like nanotechnology and quantum computing can revolutionize the ICT world.

The C part of ICT refers to the communication of data by electronic means, usually over some distance. This is often achieved via networks of sending and receiving equipment, wires and satellite links.

I think the idea of giving  major developments in the form of a timeline is nice one. so here i'm executing my idea(compiled and run) and here we go:-

The Arpanet is introduced, funded by the department of defence. 
The first automatic teller machine is introduced.
E.F.Codd describes the relational model (databases) 
The first single chip central processing unit was introduced, the Intel 4004.
The first network e-mail message is sent by Ray Tomlinson of Bolt Boranek and Newman.
Lexitron, Wang and VYTEC introduce Word Processing systems. 
The Xerox Paulo Alto Research Centre developed the Alto, an experimental computer that uses a graphical user interface and a mouse.
Ron Rivest, Adi Shamir and Leonard Adelman introduce the RSA cipher as a public key cryptosystem.
The first electronic spreadsheet program is introduced.
IBM introduces its first personal computer with an operating system developed by Microsoft.
The switchover to the TCP\IP protocol marks the beginning of the global Internet.
Microsoft releases the Windows operating system. 
The world wide web project is proposed to the European Council for Nuclear Research (CERN). 
Windows version 3.0 is released bringing a stable graphical user interface to the IBM Personal Computer.
The Mosaic NCSA is developed by the National Centre for Super-computing Applications.
The first full length feature movie createdby a computer is released. Toy Story.
Late 1990’s:
The emergence of electronic commerce. 

wanna read more; don't worry my next post will be about impact of ICT and who should choose ICT as career and research in ICT.
I hope you enjoyed reading this post. please do write comments. 

bye for now....bye!
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