Tuesday, October 26, 2010

The future of information technology: overcoming the limits of our humanity

Thinking about the future can help you shape it. Thinking too much about the future can make you spacey.I have made this post from some very good web resources like Kurzweilai's research, prospectus UK career guide,Accenture's vision for IT, Microsoft's vision for future.I hope you enjoy reading this post.

By the year 2019, thanks to information technology (IT), humans will have largely overcome the limits of our humanity. We will have found cures for the major diseases that kill 95 percent of us in the developed world. By 2029, we will become godlike—tiny computer chips embedded into our bodies will stop disease and reverse aging, ever expanding our lifespans.

Such are the prognostications of the current pied piper of the digital utopia crowd, Ray Kurzweil (http://www.kurzweilai.net). In a syndicated newspaper feature, he recently shared these and other rosy predictions about the power of IT. His main thesis is that IT doesn’t just lead to linear growth, as humanity has experienced in the past, but exponential growth, and not just with IT.

Kurzweil is the author of such books as The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology , Fantastic Voyage: Live Long Enough to Live Forever, and The Age of Spiritual Machines , and in them he has made other astonishing predictions. My favorite: Human and machine intelligence will merge and become indistinguishable, growing exponentially until we will be able to control how the universe evolves.

Future information technology would stand for all of continuously evolving and converging information technologies, including digital convergence, multimedia convergence, intelligent applications, embedded systems, mobile and wireless communications, bio-inspired computing, grid and cloud computing, semantic web, user experience and HCI, security and trust computing and so on, for satisfying our ever-changing needs.

In past twenty five years or so, Information Technology (IT) influenced and changed every aspect of our lives and our cultures. Without various IT-based applications, we would find it difficult to keep information stored securely, to process information efficiently, and to communicate information conveniently. In the future world, IT will play a very important role in convergence of computing, communication, and all other computational sciences and application and IT also will influence the future world's various areas, including science, engineering, industry, business, law, politics, culture, medicine, and so on.

America's focus still is on jobs and the large share of unemployed Americans. While the government struggles to find ways to help those without jobs,it seems clear that whether we need analysis, or research, or funding, all planning and resultant success lies on the ability and talents of those in the Information Technology field.

No matter the project or plan, the determination of success will hinge on the gathering of data (web-development/electronic survey), to the data manipulation (data base management), and to the final analysis and conclusion (statistical analysis/software development and analysis). The current Technology field has some of the most highly skilled development project and program managers, just the skill that is needed to accurately analyze program data and determine necessary modifications to ensure success.

As an Engineering Designer, one master skill is logic and the ability to interpret testing results to improve designs. It seems that is what is lacking in government today. Ideas are plentiful but projections of consequences and accurate analysis even determining the current state of affairs seem to be invalidated.

So, take a majority of highly intelligent IT gurus and replace the politicians that have ideas but seemingly no foundation and no logic, and in turn you will get great plans based on well thought out ideas with a definite result expected and with feed-back intervals to allow for adjustments to ensure perfect results.

And if a program is less than successful (which rarely would happen) at least there would be perfect documented analysis (as opposed to participants' lack of recall as to what happened).

Revised annually, the Accenture Technology Vision is a comprehensive analysis of emerging trends and major technological changes that will have a significant business impact on Accenture and its clients in the next three to five years. High-performance businesses use the Vision to understand the opportunities—and challenges—that lie ahead.
Microsoft's vision 2019(parody)

Hope enjoyed this post. please write comments.


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